Image: Kate Sullivan, a member of the Gopher women’s swim team and a senior at the University of Minnesota. She shared how anxiety impacts her […]
Month: April 2022
Minds That Matter: Olivia Leach
Image: Olivia Leach is a third year at the University of Minnesota studying Anthropology. “My mental illness isn’t who I am,” Leach said. (Courtesy of […]
Minds That Matter: Peter Hartford
Image: Peter Hartford poses on the Washington Avenue Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota after a Minds that Matter interview on April 2, 2022. (Eitan Grad) Peter […]
Minds That Matter: Erin Krotz
Image: Erin Krotz, a senior at the Carlson School, poses for a picture in the Northrup Mall at the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus on […]
Retired biology professor Sue Wick sticks around to advocate for student mental health
By Anna Koenning
Through her service on mental health task forces and councils, Wick has had a clear message for faculty: Don’t contribute to the problem by increasing stress on students.
Chemistry graduate student supports peers who struggle with anxiety and other mental health conditions
By Mikayla Scrignoli
Ari Campanaro provides peer-to-peer support as growing evidence shows that graduate students are more likely to face mental health problems and diagnoses.
Transitioning back to normal life after an episode of psychosis
By Holly Gilvary
Melissa Rosewall discusses her work at MHealth Fairview’s NAVIGATE helping psychosis patients get back to school and work.