Julia Wells identifies as a lesbian and is a sophomore in the College of Biological (CBS)  Sciences. After sharing her identity with her lab partner, she made a connection she didn’t expect that brought her joy.

“I was talking with a lab partner after we got out of lab, and we were talking about our future lives and our career paths. I mentioned that I was excited to one day come home to my wife. I felt comfortable sharing that was my future.

We had not talked about any relationships prior to this, and she felt comfortable enough sharing with me after that that she actually had a girlfriend. That was really exciting and fun that I hadn’t expected. We were able to talk about our experiences and just how we felt on campus being queer and how we felt our future lives would look like in CBS specifically. 

It was really small but something I still remember and I was glad to find somebody else.”

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 

Interview conducted by Karri Seland.