Luke Miller is a recent University of Minnesota  graduate who received his degree in Psychology and Family therapy. He now works as an admissions counselor at the University of Minnesota. 

“One of the biggest joys I’ve found within the LGBTQ+ community is the value of queer platonic friendships. 

After recently coming out, other gay men were exciting romantic prospects I had for the first time in my life. However, that restricted me from actually making meaningful friendships with other gay men, as I used to see them as potential partners first. 

I have luckily moved on from that one-dimensional view of other gay men. Now, with amazing queer friends, I’ve realized how cool it is to have people who have gone through really similar experiences as me and who have similar interests. 

Whether it’s trying out drag together or shopping together in the same side of the store (something I couldn’t always do with my girl friends), I’ve really enjoyed my queer besties and feel even prouder to be in the LGBTQ+ community with so many amazing people alongside me.” 

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 

Interview conducted by Amanda Fisher.