Alexander Lucas, 20, is a sophomore at the University of Minnesota studying political science and early childhood education. Lucas is a queer trans man, uses he and they pronouns and is the Queer Student Cultural Center’s marketing manager. 

“[At the 2022 homecoming parade], the Queer Student Cultural Center had our own float, so we decorated it all fun. But I think at that time, I was still meeting the people that were new that year and just kind of getting to know those people. Looking back at the photos, it’s like, oh, I barely knew these people at the time, but now we’re like best friends.

But I think at that time, I was also like a week post top surgery. So it was a really fun and joyful time. Just getting to decorate with a ton of rainbows, getting to be in this parade with all of these other student groups [and] with all of these people watching and we’re like we’re here. It was fun.

A lot of my best experiences at the University have been at the Queer Student Cultural Center or a queer space. Since coming here, I’ve gotten to just be myself in a way I wasn’t before, and I’ve ended up surrounding myself with mainly queer individuals. I lived in Lavender House last year, so everyone I was living around was LGBTQ+ in some way pretty much. And then I did Queer Student Cultural Center stuff and the majority of my friends at the U are from that now. I kind of coincidentally ended up surrounding myself with mostly queer and LGBTQ+ identifying individuals. A lot of the more positive experiences I’ve had since coming to the U have been in those spaces, and it’s been really nice.

I think just having those spaces that are just totally dedicated to and run by and for the queer community, I think that’s really cool and really important to have on campus. I know that’s my little safe space on campus.”

This interview has been edited for clarity and length. 

Interview conducted by Maia Irvin.